If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
Unlike the example in "The Official web2py Book", this is mostly mxml Flex code. Note that this slice assumes working with Windows distribution of we ...
How to get a WYSIWYG editor for form textareas that saves markdown (lightweight markup language supported by web2py) even in an ajax frame and how to ...
Remove the excess blank lines that the web2py rendering engine puts in its output. ...
i have a apache server running which i wanted to show my web2py apps that are running on the provided server under port 8000 so that i can call http:/ ...
for WebKit (Safari, Chrome) and Gecko (Firefox) the experimental css3 property is used to create the rounded corners and for Opera an SVG image w ...
make the ajax function display a loading icon ...
draft ...
session sticky by IP ...
Fast web2py deployment script ...
first draft ...