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Customizable query result data scroller ...
This is a work in progress recipe (at the moment). It's based on a specific use case but I think can be easily generalized to other needs. My needs w ...
To help automatically detect and block malicious bots ...
Adding the following lines to the default layout.html of your application you can share all that is json serializable between server and client using ...
This is my attempt at showing how to do cascading dropdowns in the most basic way possible with Web2py. ...
A small function that help running paginated queries. ...
This code is a working example that formats a form input to send emails containing multiple atachments or store them as draft (i.e. with the new imap ...
How to control the age of a session.variable ...
Have you ever wondered why it takes so many steps and using complicated report apis to make a silly pdf report with Python? Well, it's not that compli ...
This allows teachers/schools to keep track of attendance to a course in a web2py app ...