If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
I never realized the power of stored procedure on DB2 and now I can execute the CL/RPG/QRY program from python/web2py ! ...
Inspired by Paolo Caruccio from his post on forum. https://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/5e99d46f6fcc6917/47e7723396647f2b?lnk= ...
this example applies directly to webfaction but you can easily configure it with any other hoster. It does all the deployment process from copying a ...
This is a slice that lets the user start up with SQLFORM.grid. It has basic examples that make the job of getting started easy. The syntax for SQLFORM ...
This step-by-step guide is for people with very limited Linux experience who are using the Rackspace VPS platform running web2py, and that need to kno ...
Script to generate a new web2py project on a Unix-based system. Automatically installs the latest web2py source, and generates a folder structure and ...
This is a recipe to use web2py + ldap in the real world. It's from my blog post. http://ochiba77.blogspot.com/2011/10/how-to-set-up-web2py-ldap-with-w ...
Thank you Juan Funez for the idea. https://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/1bed807214ecaab5# ...
Simple setup to get started with nginx and SCGI. ...
Based on http://www.web2pyslices.com/slices/take_slice/67 ...