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This version mantains all funcionality of easy breadcrumbs, but allows more options, to have a completily personalized breadcrumb.

In slice, I use the example of a user making a order for a client.

But first,, you will put the function in a model or module:

    def breadcrumb(arg_title=None):
        "Create breadcrumb links for current request"
        # make links pretty by capitalizing and using 'home' instead of 'default'
        #pretty = lambda s: s.replace('default', 'Início').replace('_', ' ').capitalize()
        menus = [A('Início', _href=URL(r=request, c='default', f='index'))]
        if request.controller != 'default':
            # add link to current controller
            menus.append(A(T(pretty(request.controller)), _href=URL(r=request, c=request.controller, f='index')))
            if request.function == 'index':
                # are at root of controller
                menus[-1] = A(T(pretty(request.controller)), _href=URL(r=request, c=request.controller, f=request.function))
                    for parent in session.bc[request.function]['parents']: 
                        url = session.bc[request.function]['parents'][parent]['url']
                        title = session.bc[request.function]['parents'][parent]['title']
                        menus.append(A(T(title),  _href=url))

                except :
                # except HTTP, e:
                     #print 'error', e, 'occurred'

                        if not session.blockfunction:
                                   _href=URL(r=request, c=request.controller, f=request.function)))
            if request.args and arg_title:
                menus.append(A(T(arg_title), _href=URL(r=request,f=request.function,args=args)))
            #menus.append(A(pretty(request.controller), _href=URL(r=request, c=request.controller, f='index')))
            if request.function != 'index':
                # are at root of controller
                # are at function within controller
                #menus.append(A(T(pretty(request.function)), _href=URL(r=request, c=request.controller, f=request.function)))
            # you can set a title putting using breadcrumbs('My Detail Title')
                    for parent in session.bc[request.function]['parents']: 
                        url = session.bc[request.function]['parents'][parent]['url']
                        title = session.bc[request.function]['parents'][parent]['title']
                        menus.append(A(T(title),  _href=url))

                except :
                # except HTTP, e:
                     #print 'error', e, 'occurred'

                        if not session.blockfunction:
                                   _href=URL(r=request, c=request.controller, f=request.function)))

            if request.args and arg_title:
                menus.append(A(T(arg_title), _href=URL(r=request, f=request.function,args=args)))

        return XML(' > '.join(str(m) for m in menus))

And add in your view or layout.html

        {{if session.arg_title:}}


The user go first to 'clients' page/function, a list of clients


To the clients function, the slice generate automatically:

Home > Clients

The slice automatically adds a breadcrumb to controller when it is not 'default' :

Home > My Controller > Clients



So, to make it simple, I will only use samples of 'default' controller

After, the user choose a client e the slice generates automatically:

Home > Client



But you want

Home > Clients > Client

So you need to set the parent function, them put in you function:

       def client(): # your function 
        # 'order' is the name of function 
        # 0 is the number of parent function, it will be show after 'Home'
        # title is the name of parent function
        # url is the link to parent function 
        # in the sample, clients is a list of clients
        session.bc = {'client':
                {'title': 'Clients',
                 'url':URL(r=request, f='clients')}}}}
        ...your code....
        return ....

But now will want

Home > Clients > Pedro Goes

where Pedro Goes is the name of the client


 session.blockfunction = True
 session.arg_title= db.client[request.args(0)].name

Now, the user will do a order to the client


Its generates automatically

Home > Order

But you want the breadcrumb:

Home > Clients > Pedro Goes > Order

Where Pedro Goes is the name of your client

So you can set in your 'client' function (or whatever your parent function is) :

  session.client_name = client.name 
  session.client_id = client.id

Then To set more than one parent function:

       def order(): # your function 
        # 'order' is the name of function 
        # 0 is the number of parent function, it will be show after 'Home'
        # title is the name of parent function
        # url is the link to parent function 
        session.bc = {'order_detail':
                         {'title': '',
                         'url':URL(r=request, f='clients')},
                         {'title': session.client_name,
                          'url':URL(r=request, f='client',args=[session.client_id]) }                              
        ...your code....
        return ....

Then the user can go to view the order:


where 34 is the request.args(0) and will be used as order.id

It still mantain:

Home > Clients > Pedro Goes > Order

But you want

Home > Clients > Pedro Goes > Order nº: 34

       def order(): # your function 
        # 'order' is the name of function 
        # 0 is the number of parent function, it will be show after 'Home'
        # title is the name of parent function
        # url is the link to parent function 
        session.arg_title= 'Order nº : ' + order.id 
        session.blockfunction = True
        session.bc = {'order_detail':
                         {'title': '',
                         'url':URL(r=request, f='clients')},
                         {'title': session.client_name,
                          'url':URL(r=request, f='client',args=[session.client_id]) }                              
        ...your code....
        return ....

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