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  1. Copy fileuploader.css, fileuploader.js into the app's static folder

In view:

<script> <script type="text/javascript" src="{{=URL(request.application,'static','fileuploader.js')}}"></script>

$(document).ready(function() { 
  var uploader = new qq.FileUploader({
        // pass the dom node (ex. $(selector)[0] for jQuery users)
        element: document.getElementById('file-uploader'),
        // path to server-side upload script
        action: '{{=URL("upload")}}',
        sizeLimit: 15000000,
        minSizeLimit: 0,         
        allowedExtensions: ['xls','jpg', 'jpeg', 'pdf', 'txt','doc','htm','html','xml','xmls', 'txt','ppt','png', 'gif'],
        // set to true to output server response to console
        debug: true,

        // events         
        // you can return false to abort submit
        onSubmit: function(id, fileName){},
        onProgress: function(id, fileName, loaded, total){},
        onComplete: function(id, fileName, responseJSON){},
        onCancel: function(id, fileName){},

        messages: {
            // error messages, see qq.FileUploaderBasic for content
            typeError: "{file} {{=T('has invalid extension.')}} {{=T('Only')}} {extensions} {{=T('are allowed.')}}",
            sizeError: "{file} {{=T('is too large, maximum file size is')}} {sizeLimit}.",
            minSizeError: "{file} {{=T('is too small, minimum file size is')}} {minSizeLimit}.",
            emptyError: "{file} {{=T('is empty, please select files again without it.')}}",
            onLeave: "{{=T('The files are being uploaded, if you leave now the upload will be cancelled.')}}"                         
        showMessage: function(message){ alert(message); }        

<div id="file-uploader">
<noscript><p>{{=T('Please enable JavaScript to use file uploader.')}}</p></noscript>


def upload():
            response.files.append(URL(r=request, c='static', f='fileuploader.css'))
            for r in request.vars:
             if r=="qqfile":
                # process the file here
                return response.json({'success':'true'})

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Comments (15)

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  • 0
    cavdberg 7 years ago

    There is a mistake: 


    Where you see: 


    <script> <script type="text/javascript" src="{{=URL(request.application,'static','fileuploader.js')}}"></script>


    It should be 


    <script script type="text/javascript" src="{{=URL(request.application,'static','fileuploader.js')}}"></script>

  • 0
    neck 9 years ago


    move to :


  • 0
    neck 9 years ago

    you can download files: fileuploader.css, fileuploader.js, from the link below:


  • 1
    playincard 12 years ago
    To see the default file-uploader CSS style: 1. Copy fileuploader.css into the app's static folder 2. Paste the following into the controller function: response.files.append(URL(r=request, c='static', f='fileuploader.css')) @jv the default css file can also be included using the view: {{response.files.append(URL(r=request, c='static', f='fileuploader.css'))}} {{extend 'layout.html'}} You should add this to your slice!

  • 0
    halnator 12 years ago
    I added everything but when i view the page i get 'None' , i added the controller and the script and the div in the view , why isnt it working ?? help guys

  • 0
    halnator 12 years ago
    anything i put inside

  • 0
    jv 12 years ago
    halnator Probably not defined any css ( upload button , upload progress, listing etc)

  • 0
    drschmulge 13 years ago
    web2py.noob 2011-06-13 In this slice, it hasn't been uploaded as a blob , fiele stored in 'upload' folder, only name is in db. def download(): """ allows downloading of uploaded files http://..../[app]/default/download/[filename] """ return response.download(request,db) In view Link on file for example {{=file.name}}

  • 0
    web2pyslices 13 years ago
    can you actually download the file uploaded? Following the instruccions I actually can upload and even "view" the new entry (file) from appadmin, but cannot download it; seems it hasn't been uploaded as a blob, so it's just me or maybe something is still missing with this slice? UPDATE: ...for the record, was just me. I missed the importance of this line: db.document.insert(file=db.document.file.store(request.body,filename)). I had just file=filename so I was saving mere text on the file field. PD: an bbcode on web2pyslices is missing :)

  • 0
    nitesedge 13 years ago
    Hmm.. can't seem to get this to work. - Placed fileuploader.js in /static - added controller section to my controller - created new view and added the view section I am getting this: (name 'name' is not defined) and it's referencing this: response.write(URL("upload",args=[name[2]])) So, the python var "name" hasn't been defined... any idea what I'm missing? Thanks in advance!

  • 0
    jv 13 years ago
    Sorry , args=[name[2] from old script . Corrected.

  • 0
    nitesedge 13 years ago
    Also, missing '});' (no quotes) to close out the function in the script. The files now upload successfully (checked the DB and the response text), but the page is still showing failed. responseText = {"success": "true"} Example: P6X58D Premium Memory QVL 2.pdf 0.2MB Failed

  • 0
    jv 13 years ago
    return response.json({'success':'true'}) Work for me view--- {{extend 'layout.html'}}

    {{=T('Adding CSV file ')}}

  • 0
    nitesedge 13 years ago
    Looks like I was hitting a random Safari bug where occasionally it would show "Failed". Thanks for the quick help. See previous note about missing }); in the above slice.

  • 0
    jv 13 years ago
    Thanks for note , I corrected missing "});"

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