In model
Field('name', label='Name of Category'), format='%(name)s')
Field('quantity', 'integer'),
Field('category', db.category))
In controller
JqGrid = local_import('jqgrid', app='jqgrid', reload=True).JqGrid
JqGrid.initialize_response_files(globals(), theme='ui-lightness', lang='en')
def things():
return dict(jqgrid=JqGrid(globals(), db.things)())
A view is not necessary, but can be used to customize the look. For example:
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
Comments (13)
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"git clone" requires a password. Is there some other way to download the module?
There should be no password on it. Try just clicking OK when prompted.
Thanks for your reply. I could download the module after pressing Enter at the password prompt:
% git clone
Cloning into jqgrid...
remote: Counting objects: 212, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (182/182), done.
remote: Total 212 (delta 43), reused 195 (delta 26)
Receiving objects: 100% (212/212), 389.62 KiB | 150 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (43/43), done.
I updated the jqgrid application default controller to include examples for the following:
* Complex Query (under Custom Queries menu)
The jqgrid includes a custom query, selected fields from table including a virtual field, a column with data not found in a table. The query accesses data with a left join and formats data prior to display.
* Web Service
Illustrates displaying a jqgrid table with data accessed from a webservice.
Thanks for the further examples.
How would you handle the 'formatter': 'showlink' and 'baseLinkUrl': '' where uuid is used for cross references and a field is being represented by this:
db.akb_articles.journal.represent = lambda x: db(db.akb_journal.uuid==x).select(db.akb_journal.title).first()['title']
I would like the 'journal' field in the grid to show the title of the journal and link to the record in akb_journal.
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johannspies 13 years ago
iiijjjiii 13 years ago
johannspies 13 years ago
iiijjjiii 13 years ago
johannspies 13 years ago