How to integrate with you web2py application.
From we download the .zip and we decompress in the static folder.
In our view (index.hml):
{{left_sidebar_enabled,right_sidebar_enabled=False,('message' in globals())}} {{response.files.append(URL(r=request,c='static',f='html5-file-upload/assets/js/jquery.filedrop.js'))}} {{response.files.append(URL(r=request,c='static',f='html5-file-upload/assets/js/script.js'))}} {{extend 'layout.html'}} {{block right_sidebar}} {{end}} <div id="response"></div> <div id="dropbox"> <span class="message">Drop images here to upload. <br /><i>(they will only be visible to you)</i></span> </div> <script> //Global variable for script.js REQUEST_UPLOAD='{{=URL(r=request,f="my_upload")}}' </script>
REQUEST_UPLOAD have been created to load our new function responsible to keep the file into the database. To do this some changes have to be done in html5-file-upload/assets/js/script.js
Changes in script.js:
In the line 12: We need to replace "url: 'post_file.php'," for "url: REQUEST_UPLOAD,"
In the line 17: We need add $('#response').append(response);
script.js after load REQUEST_UPLOAD is waiting for a json response. The result function will be append in our view ( $('#response').append(response); ) :
<div id="response"></div>
In our controller (
def my_upload(): import re fileApp=request.vars.pic filename=fileApp.filename.replace(' ', '') result='' http_host='' #Prevent special caracters in the file name expression='[*+~$&^#@!;:,|]' regex = re.compile(expression) if result="Special caracters NO!!! Nothing to do..." return response.json('<div class="error_wrapper">\ <div id="title__error" class="error" style="display: inline-block;">'\ +result+\ '</div></div>'), filename) db.files.insert(file=aux,title=filename) if request.env.http_x_forwarded_host: http_host = request.env.http_x_forwarded_host.split(':',1)[0] else: http_host = request.env.http_host last = db().select(db.files.ALL)[-1] result=T('Successfuly! Here the link: ') result+="<a href=http://"+http_host+'/'+request.application+'/'+request.controller+'/download/'+last.file+">Donwload</a>" return response.json('<div class="alert alert-success">'\ +result+\ '</div>')
Finally we have to create our small table to keep the files in the model (
import datetime db.define_table('files', Field('title', "string", unique=False), Field('file', 'upload', autodelete=True), Field('datecreated','datetime',default=now,readable=False)) db.files.title.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
unique=False: Allow upload files with the same name. If true, file name can not be duplicate
autodelete=True: Allow web2py auto delete the file from the file system, once is delete from the database
DONE!!! Here the result ->
Before to upload a image:
After drop the image in box:
The result in the database:
Comments (4)
freedumb2000 10 years ago
Unfortuantly, this does not work as a component. Does anybody know why or can point me to a HTML5 uploader that does?
freedumb2000 10 years ago
Unfortuantly, this does not work as a component. Does anybody know why or can point me to a HTML5 uploader that does?
nate 12 years ago
"invalid table/column name "file" is a "ALL" reserved SQL keyword"
is there an easy way to fix this, please
replies (1)
samuel-bonilla-11088 12 years ago