If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
.gitignore files for web2py ...
A sample of how to show the login + register as normal buttons in twitter bootstrap top menu. ...
Simple recipe for custom error routing with correct status codes ...
Example of adding an extra widget to plugin_wiki which can obfuscate text such as email addresses. The idea being to frustrate most harvesting softwa ...
This is improved version of my previous dropdown. This one doesn't "remove" the second drop down when it's updated so it looks very natural and user d ...
In this recipe you will see how to create a custom computation to create a thumbnail to fit centered in a specific box ...
web2py SCGI server needs to run. This is a robust solution based on D. J. Bernstein daemontools. ...
How to adapt a new CSS template to web2py layout.html quickly and easily (thanks Massimo) ...
Debian deployment w/ Nginx and SCGI ...
Built-in CSV import function is great but doesn't update the field such as updated_on, updated_by fields. This slice will keep tracking who imported t ...