If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
This is another autocomplete widget example ...
It allows multiple forms (2) on the same page using JQuery Tools and iframe. ...
(written specifically for Ubuntu, but applicable to all systems) By: Evan Gray - GrayMatterComputing ...
Describes how to use the Google blobstore API, allowing files up to 50MB to be used when a web2py project is hosted on Google App Engine ...
This is a method I found to upload an image (into the uploads folder) and then create the thumbnail in the same directory. One good point is that Web2 ...
Forms that are in a LOAD div (e.g. a plug-in) do not upload files. To get around this I used a jQuery plugin. I combined this with the ability of web2 ...
How to break the alphabetic ordering dependence of BEAUTIFY and use multiple word keys with the dict method. The normal behaviour of BEAUTIFY is not c ...
Issues concerned with low memory footprint using web2py are discussed. Specific steps for configuring Lighttpd for static file use, URL remapping and ...
This is (obviously) a hack, so test it extensively before deploying it in your environment. Tested with web2py-1.74.6 and web2py-1.74.11. ...
this slice was stupid since I did not read the manual ...