If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
For this example let's imagine we want to create some pages for our website. A page has a title, and a content. We want to allow users to edit a pa ...
Brief explanation how to upload files using html5 and jQuery ...
Inspired by Paolo Caruccio from his post on forum. https://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/5e99d46f6fcc6917/47e7723396647f2b?lnk= ...
Requires jQuery.form plugin ...
This is how you can modify web2py_ajax.html to make your upload fields work in LOADed components (web2py_component(), web2py_ajax_page()) with little ...
Quick and dirty multi file ajax file upload with multi selection a drag and drop. Javascript plugin at http://valums.com/ajax-upload/ ...
This is a method I found to upload an image (into the uploads folder) and then create the thumbnail in the same directory. One good point is that Web2 ...
Forms that are in a LOAD div (e.g. a plug-in) do not upload files. To get around this I used a jQuery plugin. I combined this with the ability of web2 ...