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Example Scenario:
Consider this model:
    Field('location_type', requires=IS_IN_SET(['city', 'country', 'sea'])),
    Field('capacity', requires=IS_IN_SET(['single', 'couple', 'small family', 'big family']),
you can see the pattern I used in the field names, "fieldname" followed by "fieldname_msg".
Now, what I want to do is to generate a grid with only two columns "location_type" and "capacity" where "location_type_msg" and "capacity_msg" would be accessible once you mouse hover  through their respective fields.
id | location_type |     capacity
1  |     city      |       single
2  |     sea       |     small family
now if i go over the word 'city' I would see something like "New York" or "London" and if I mouse hover "small family" i would see something like "90 square meters"
on the db file, add the following:
def get_column_index(grid, colname):
    colname = colname.replace('.','-')
    for col in grid[2][0][0][0]:
        if col['_id'] == colname:
            return col['data']['column']-1
    return -1

def apply_title_to_column(grid, title_list, column_number):
    for cell,title in zip(grid[2][0][0][2], title_list):
        if title is not None and str(title) != "<td></td>" and str(title) != "<td>None</td>":

def get_table_rows(grid):
    return grid[2][0][0][2]

def get_column(grid, column_number):
    return [row[column_number][0] for row in get_table_rows(grid)]

def remove_grid_column(grid, column_number):
    del grid[2][0][0][0][column_number]
    del grid[2][0][0][1][0][column_number]
    for row in get_table_rows(grid):
        del row[column_number]

def add_titles(grid):
    if grid.rows:
        for colname in grid.rows.colnames:
            if colname.endswith('_msg'):
                column_index = get_column_index(grid, colname)
                title_list = get_column(grid, column_index)
                apply_title_to_column(grid, title_list,  get_column_index(grid, colname[:-4]))
        for col_number in reversed(cols_to_delete):
            remove_grid_column(grid, col_number)
    return grid
view code:
{{=LOAD('default','housegrid.load', ajax=True)}}
  • this code is outrageous, egregious, preposterous but it works and it's quite modular if you want to use it for other changes like this.
  • one nice detail about this is that you can still make all your queries, including within the fields that are now only being shown on mouse hovering 
  • an alternative approach would be to use jQuery manipulations in the DOM but this looks a lot more resilient and decoupled from the view side of things
  • obviously, this uses internals that can be modified at any time so backward compatibility can not be assured even though this should be very rare.
  • it would be nice to have an API for grids. I think there is this big "jump" from database records to generated HTML code ready to be rendered, not so much control over the Application logic on it.


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