This doc is based on facebook login in web2py doc:
- First of all you will need to get from linkedin the key and secret.
- Install python-linkedin lib: pip install python-linkedin
In the module folder create a new python file, for example
from gluon.http import HTTP try: from linkedin.linkedin import LinkedInApplication except ImportError: raise HTTP(400, "linkedin module not found") from gluon.contrib.login_methods.oauth20_account import OAuthAccount import hashlib import random LK_KEY = '' LK_SECRET = '' LK_RETURN_URL = 'http://localhost:8000/socialSignIn/default/index' class LinkedInAccount(OAuthAccount): TOKEN_URL="" AUTH_URL="" def __init__(self): OAuthAccount.__init__(self, 'linkedin', LK_KEY, LK_SECRET, self.AUTH_URL, self.TOKEN_URL, scope='r_emailaddress', state=self._make_new_state()) def _make_new_state(self): return hashlib.md5( '%s%s' % (random.randrange(0, 2 ** 63), LK_SECRET)).hexdigest() def get_user(self): if not self.accessToken(): return None app = LinkedInApplication(token=self.accessToken()) profile = app.get_profile(selectors=['id', 'first-name', 'last-name', 'email-address']) if profile: if not profile.has_key('username'): username = profile['id'] else: username = profile['username'] if not profile.has_key('emailAddress'): email = '%s.fakemail' %(profile['id']) else: email = profile['emailAddress'] return dict(first_name = profile['firstName'], last_name = profile['lastName'], username = username, email = '%s' %(email) )
In your model
from linkedin import LinkedInAccount auth.settings.login_form=LinkedInAccount()
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