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    rochacbruno  12 years ago

    After you install Movuca, and run /setup/install you got a movuca_config.sqlite database under your /databases folder.


    You can edit this db using appadmin on web2py admin interface.


    You need to edit the mail_options table, set your server, user, password (normally works fine with gmail, but you can use any SMTP server to send).


    If you have not configured, the email will be send by logging feature, which actually only prints the email in terminal.

Commented on:

Hi again,

This time I want to know about password recovery in movuca. I made some test trying to change my password and I want to get the new one mailed, but after clicking on "lost password" and getting the "Email send" message, nothing is in my inbox.

By the way I will try to give back to movuca at some time, but first I need to solve this issues to get a proper install working a more users willing to hack it.

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