If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
Easily makes and personalize breadcrumbs. This one is for applications don't use nested functions ...
Place a div on your page, and a little jquery magic, you have access to request, response, and session. Remember, this is to help in the development p ...
A strategy for keeping your application under version control, while allowing easy updating on your production app. ...
This application shows an experimental example of a class-based plugin scheme on web2py. The 'cairo piechart' application (slice12) by ont.rif is rest ...
This document is meant to be an introduction to Paypal integration in web2py, it does, by no means, cover all the possible integrations with Paypal, a ...
I use this function to build a dynamic menu from the contents of my controllers. I mainly use it during development. I should also mention that thi ...
These are the steps I used to setup Eclipse and PyDev to debug web2py apps in Windows. ...