If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
This slice can be used to get a list of flickr photos passing the photoset ID ...
Hi, this is a simple tip on how you can use pyGravatar to get user profile picture. ...
Logging best practices in web2py ...
This is a modified version of the Configure class. ...
Enables your javascript to call web2py controller actions directly using JSON-RPC as a transport ...
This adds new URLs without invalidating any 'normal' URLs routes.out is as yet untested! Its just the inverse -- I couldn't possibly have messed up, ...
corrected some typos ...
base on Django snippets <http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/678/> <http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/679/> ...