If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
How to add a simple password confirmation to standard password widget. ...
This is my attempt at showing how to do cascading dropdowns in the most basic way possible with Web2py. ...
Based on http://www.web2pyslices.com/slice/show/1446/widget-select-or-add-option made some abstractions (easier to put to action for any table) fixe ...
Adding a captcha to a form as shown in the book requires too much work!! ;-) Here is a simpler way to do it. ...
Create Dynamic XML Sitemaps For your website and the ability to add dynamic URLS using your own tables , to be used by Google and other search engine ...
Filter all the events that are saved in the Auth_event table by dates only available in the table , and you can filter on a period of Time two . Enjoy ...
A sample of how to show the login + register as normal buttons in twitter bootstrap top menu. ...
Yet another dropdown chain (cascade) widget with select-or-add-new links capability. Note: Now is working with web2py 2.2.1 ...
This is a slice that lets the user start up with SQLFORM.grid. It has basic examples that make the job of getting started easy. The syntax for SQLFORM ...
Revising Widgets for HTML5 Input Types ...
This widget will create a <select> object with an "Add" button next to it, allowing users to add new catagories, etc on the fly without having to visi ...
In case you need to display some feeds on your page ...
Read latest entries from google groups and google code ...
This is a widget that create a colorpicker ...
list:string types do not come yet with pratical dynamic validator and widget so I wrote one. It handles list:string like text tags separated by comma ...
Includes the functionality of category management, search, categoryList through widgets. ...
This slice is a shameless hack on Mr.Freeze's CascadingSelect. I needed similar behaviour, but without the complexity of databases. To use this, you ...
This is a collection of widgets I have made together in a sample application. ...
This is a widget I wrote to ease the implementation of displaying interdependent values. ...
This is a widget that handles multi-select fields ...
This is another autocomplete widget example ...
Here is another widget that uses three selects to allow the user to pick a date. ...
This is a (overly)simple autocomplete widget using the pengoworks jQuery plugin. I used it because it works and I am too lazy to download the files a ...
This is a widget for using the jQueryUI slider for integer input ...
This is a simple widget for using the jQuery datepicker on a text input. ...
Here is a widget that presents your text as a label until you double click it at which point it turns into a text input. ...
This widget adds a link next to the <SELECT> object created by IS_IN_DB that allows create a new record (option) without leaving the screen. ...
This is how I got a star rating widget implemented on this site. ...