If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
If You need change timeout interval in Ajax LOAD on fly ...
Provides an asynchronous behaviour to forms where each input field updates the record on the database as soon as its input field is released ('focusou ...
Add inline row editing capability to SQLFORM.grid ...
This is my attempt at showing how to do cascading dropdowns in the most basic way possible with Web2py. ...
simple example showing how to use the ajax method to insert records as child records for parent record. ...
Sometimes you want to manage users and their membership at the same form.. this one of the possible solutions ...
This is improved version of my previous dropdown. This one doesn't "remove" the second drop down when it's updated so it looks very natural and user d ...
This is an extension of ochiba77's slice. This doesn't use a db to get the data for the dropdowns. ...
Yet another dropdown chain (cascade) widget with select-or-add-new links capability. Note: Now is working with web2py 2.2.1 ...
Thank you Juan Funez for the idea. https://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/1bed807214ecaab5# ...
Requires jQuery.form plugin ...
This is how you can modify web2py_ajax.html to make your upload fields work in LOADed components (web2py_component(), web2py_ajax_page()) with little ...
lean and small plugin for star rating. support split stars, can be used more than one times in a page (for same record or different ones), If origin ...
insert and delete in database using ajax and show in view (gmail uses ajax for deleting) ...
Quick and dirty multi file ajax file upload with multi selection a drag and drop. Javascript plugin at http://valums.com/ajax-upload/ ...
this is an example of how to create a modular application with web2py ...
Forms that are in a LOAD div (e.g. a plug-in) do not upload files. To get around this I used a jQuery plugin. I combined this with the ability of web2 ...
How to get a WYSIWYG editor for form textareas that saves markdown (lightweight markup language supported by web2py) even in an ajax frame and how to ...
Very easy to use and implement ajax user validation, it checks if the user exists on the DB table or not.. if it exists it avoids form submission. ...
This is a very easy way to make an ajax live search using JQuery , xHTML , CSS and Web2Py on the server side ;-) ...
Web2py plugins are nice but you cannot use A href hyperlinks to refresh just the plugin div, here is a trick how to make GET requests from plugins ...
Enables your javascript to call web2py controller actions directly using JSON-RPC as a transport ...
make the ajax function display a loading icon ...
base on Django snippets <http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/678/> <http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/679/> ...
This is a helper module that I wrote for web2py that lets you do some interesting and useful things with client side script. You can manage resources ...