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This widget will create a <select> object with an "Add" button next to it, allowing users to add new catagories, etc on the fly without having to visi ...
In case you need to display some feeds on your page ...
Read latest entries from google groups and google code ...
This is a widget that create a colorpicker ...
list:string types do not come yet with pratical dynamic validator and widget so I wrote one. It handles list:string like text tags separated by comma ...
Includes the functionality of category management, search, categoryList through widgets. ...
This slice is a shameless hack on Mr.Freeze's CascadingSelect. I needed similar behaviour, but without the complexity of databases. To use this, you ...
This is a collection of widgets I have made together in a sample application. ...
This is a widget I wrote to ease the implementation of displaying interdependent values. ...
This is a widget that handles multi-select fields ...