This is an extension of ochiba77's slice here. The issue I had is that the data that contained the fields for the slice were available to me via a web service call, not in a database. I modified his code as follows. The view feels a little hacky... but I've never done any web development, and it works, so it's good enough for a prototype.
Here's the controller... I had a main category of two segments... when one of those is chosen, I needed to get the materials corresponding to the chosen segment via a web service call. getMats is the function for that.
def shouldcost4(): segments = ['Castings', 'Forgings'] #category = segment if request.vars.segment_name: materials = getMats(segments[int(request.vars.segment_name)]) else: materials = getMats(segments[0]) if request.vars.material_name: #maker == material ret_string = request.vars.segment_name + ' | ' + request.vars.material_name else: ret_string = 'a' return dict(segments=segments, materials=materials, ret_string=ret_string)
Here's my file with the getMats function...
import uuid import datetime from httplib2 import Http from urllib import urlencode import json import json, urllib2 def getMats(segment): u = urllib2.urlopen('URL_GOES_HERE?Segment='+segment) j = json.load(u)['results'] mats = [str(j[a]['MATERIALSPEC']) for a in range(len(j))] return(mats)
And my view...
{{extend 'layout.html'}} {{segments=segments}} {{materials=materials}} <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="{{URL()}}" method="post"> <label for="part_number">Part Number:</label> <input type="text" name="part_number" value={{=request.vars.part_number}}><div /> <label for="segment_name">Segment Name:</label> <select name='segment_name' onchange="jQuery(material_name).remove();jQuery(matlabel).remove(); ajax('material', ['segment_name'], 'shadow_clone');"> {{for i in range(len(segments)):}} <option value="{{=i}}" {{=" selected='selected'" if str(i)==request.vars.segment_name else ""}}> {{=segments[i]}} </option> {{pass}} </select> <div /> <span id='shadow_clone'></span> <label id="matlabel" for="material_name">Material:</label> <select name='material_name' > {{for i in range(len(materials)):}} <option value="{{=i}}" {{=XML(" selected='selected'") if str(i)==request.vars.material_name else ""}}> {{=materials[i]}}</option> {{pass}} </select><div /> <label for="EAU">Estimated Annual Usage:</label> <input type="text" name="EAU" value={{=request.vars.EAU}}><div /> <input type="submit"> </form> <div />
And here's what it looks like...
That's it.
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