Example of using the TAGS:
============ how to do =============
in model (db.py) insert table:
db.define_table('tags', Field('name', 'string', length=30), Field('uses', 'integer', default=1), ) # some table: db.define_table('items', Field('tags', 'string', length=150), ...
For take tags for input in form:
tags = db(db.tags).select(orderby=db.tags.name) h_tags = CAT(SCRIPT('function at(n) { $("#no_table_tags").val($("#no_table_tags").val() + n + ",");}')) for tag in tags: h_tags += SPAN(tag.name, _class='tag', _onclick='at("%s");' % tag.name) f = SQLFORM.factory( Field('name', 'string', label=T('Name')), Field('tags', 'string', default = sess.tags or '', label=T('Tags')), ) # add list of tags in form f[0].insert(1, TR(TD(), TD(h_tags)))
When db.items inserted update tags table:
if tags: for tag in tags.split(','): tag = tag.strip().lower() if not tag: continue rec = db(db.tags.name.lower() == tag).select().first() if rec: rec.update_record( uses = rec.uses + 1) else: db.tags.insert(name = tag)
When tags is setted for filter records:
tags = type(tags) == type('') and tags.split(',') for wr in db( & (not tags or db.items.tags.contains(tags, all=True, case_sensitive=False)) ).select(orderby=~db.items.id): pass ...
for set tags in any page:
def filter(sess, req): h = CAT() hide_list_load = '$("#list_load").slideUp(300);' h += A(XML('<i class="fa fa-search-minus"></i>'), _class='tag', _onclick=hide_list_load + "ajax('%s')" % URL('hand','filter_clear'), _style='background-color:#da4f49;') h += A(XML('<i class="fa fa-search"></i>'), _class='tag', _onclick=hide_list_load + "ajax('%s', ['tags']);" % URL('hand','filter_tags'), _style='background-color:#da4f49;' ) wlist_flt = session.wlist_flt wlist_flt = type(wlist_flt) == type('') and wlist_flt or '' h += INPUT(_name='tags', _value=wlist_flt, _id='tags') h += SPAN(XML('<i class="fa fa-eraser"></i>'), _class='tag', _onclick='$("#tags").val("");') h += CAT(SCRIPT('function at(n) { $("#tags").val($("#tags").val() + n + ",");}')) tags = db(db.tags).select(orderby=~db.tags.uses, limitby=(0,20)).sort(lambda row: row.name.lower()) for tag in tags: uses = tag.uses size = uses> 300 and 24 or uses> 100 and 20 or uses> 10 and 16 or 14 h += DIV(tag.name, _class='tag', _onclick='at("%s");' % tag.name, _style='font-size:%spx;' % size) return DIV(h, _class='row')
def index():
return dict(h = filter(session, request))
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