If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
Create Dynamic XML Sitemaps For your website and the ability to add dynamic URLS using your own tables , to be used by Google and other search engine ...
How to use python-crontab in a web2py app ...
Recipe postes by "Udi Milo" on google group ...
A little trick to sum up or multiply a list of query conditions. ...
How to save gluon.dal.Query and gluon.dal.Expression objects in the session. ...
Create your datamodels in modules ...
Models are a very special web2py feature, but they like as scripts running on every request. Now with modules we can improve web2py performance with a ...
Here is a JqGrid application that includes a JqGrid module that allows you to insert jqgrid tables in web2py pages using python. git clone https:// ...
AWS Simple Email Service is a nice way to send emails without needing to operate your own mail server. This code utilizes "Boto" library which is a Py ...
An Hibernate like ORM for Web2py built above the DAL ...