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first thing, go to linkedIn.com and get your key and secret. after getting it:
1. add linkedIn.py and model.py to Modules from the python-linkedin lib
2. add the linkedinAccount.py to modules. modify it to look like:
from gluon.http import HTTP
    import linkedin
except ImportError:
    raise HTTP(400,"linkedin module not found")

class LinkedInAccount(object):
    def __init__(self,request,session,key,secret,return_url):
        self.request = request
        self.session = session

        if self.session.linkedin is None:
            self.session.verified = False
            self.session.linkedin = linkedin.LinkedIn(key,secret,return_url, gae=True)

    def verify(self, verifier):
        self.session.verified = verifier and self.session.linkedin.access_token(verifier = verifier)
        return self.session.verified

    def login_url(self, next="/"):
        return self.session.linkedin.get_authorize_url()

    def logout_url(self, next="/"):
        self.session.linkedin = None
        return next

    def get_user(self):
        if self.session.verified:
            profile = self.session.linkedin.get_profile(fields=['id', 'first-name', 'last-name','picture-url','industry'])
            return dict(first_name = profile.first_name,
                        last_name = profile.last_name,
                        picture_url = profile.picture_url,
                        industry = profile.industry,
                        username = profile.id)
3. add the following to your db.py
## LinkedIn
from linkedinAccount import LinkedInAccount
    'http://' + request.env.http_host + '/user/verify')

and just above "auth.define_tables()" add this:

## create custom field 'username' for linkedin authentication
auth.settings.extra_fields['auth_user']= [
    Field('username', writable=False, readable=False),
    Field('picture_url', writable=False, readable=False),
    Field('industry', writable=False, readable=False),
4. add the following to your default.py, the user function (clear is a debug tool, in case your session expires or you play with it and you need to remove it)
def user():
    if len(request.args)>0 and request.args(0)=='verify':
        redirect(URL('user', 'login'))

    if request.args(0)=='clear':
        session.linkedin = None
        return 'clean'


This recipe was posted by Udi Milo http://about.me/udimilo

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