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How to implement a basic geometry field management even if unsupported at the moment by DAL in web2py version 1.99.4. ...
Create a custom decorator which can be used to authenticate a web2py service or page access. ...
ldap with group validation ...
How to Install Web2py in the Ipad for fun ! ...
Create your datamodels in modules ...
Models are a very special web2py feature, but they like as scripts running on every request. Now with modules we can improve web2py performance with a ...
How to write time scheduled tasks with web2py built-in cron ...
Now (1.99.6) you can restrict login access based on ldap groups where the user is a member and automatically manage ldap groups in web2py app's db. ...
I never realized the power of stored procedure on DB2 and now I can execute the CL/RPG/QRY program from python/web2py ! ...
Inspired by Paolo Caruccio from his post on forum. https://groups.google.com/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/5e99d46f6fcc6917/47e7723396647f2b?lnk= ...