I needed to authenticate a few pages and JSONRPC service based on IP address of the client. This is what i came up with:
Note: I am using python-IPy to work with IPs. It has support for both IPv4 and IPv6 IPs. Plus it is very simple to use. You can get the module here
In the Model :
import IPy #please include IPy in site packages folder
service_allowed_ips = [IPy.IP(i) for i in SERVICE_ALLOWED_IPS]
page_allowed_ips = [IPy.IP(i) for i in PAGE_ALLOWED_IPS]
def NOT_ALLOWED(*anything):
return (False,'Error! Your IP ADDRESS is not allowed!')# you could just return False
def service_allowed_ip(f,ips=service_allowed_ips):
allowed = False
client_ip = request.client
for x in ips:
if client_ip in x: allowed = True
if allowed == True:
return f
f_name = f.__name__
f = NOT_ALLOWED # this could be done with a lambda too
f.__name__ = f_name
return f
def page_allowed_ip(f,ips=page_allowed_ips):
allowed = False
client_ip = request.client
for x in ips:
if client_ip in x: allowed = True
if allowed == True:
return f
Now in any controller which requires IP authentication:
@service.jsonrpc # expose function as jsonrpc function @service_allowed_ip # to authenticate by IP address def add(a,b): return a + b
Similarly for a Page
@page_allowed_ip def ip_authenticated_page(): return dict(message='Hello World!')
I am sure this can be improved. Suggestions are welcome.
Comments (2)
madhukar-pai-11810 12 years ago
Thanks Bruno.. ya something like this built into auth would be great. how can this be improved? ..
rochacbruno 13 years ago
This should be added to the Auth, very useful and the module is BSD