If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
Basic example to show how simple is to create a geojson service with web2py ...
Some examples on getting started with angular.js and dealing with the handlebars delimiters. ...
A good starting point for any type of CMS ...
This will allow the user to change between applications and continue logged. Otherwise he would have to make login on every each application he entere ...
Simple instructions to make a single login by two different ways. ...
Connects jsviews MVVM to the server. Dynamically updates the server whenever the client changes data. ...
Manage uploaded files and documents. Not a CMS, not a blog engine. Tested on Web2py 2.7.4. See the package README for more information. ...
I have a problem with my db tables definition. In db.py file there seems to be a problem with the table with name "NFCobj". I get the ...
ago for web2py with magic T() - human readable timestamp ...
In this way all potentials of the google geocode service are available with a very less code than the web2py source. ...