#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf8 from gluon.html import * from gluon.http import * from gluon.validators import * from gluon.sqlhtml import * from gluon import current import datetime # This module is a integration to web2py in order to allow use of magic T() # By : Richard Vézina # Original library : ago # From : Russell Ballestrini # Repository : https://bitbucket.org/russellballestrini/ago/src # Ex.: # In your controller add this : # from ago import human # You can use it in a represent like this : # db.table_name.field_name.represent = lambda value, row: human(value.replace(tzinfo=None)) if value else T('N/A') # Notice : tzinfo is not supported actually # For further example and representation tweaks, you can read the test file of ago lib here : # https://bitbucket.org/russellballestrini/ago/src/57d0c33e2a5ef92ddf14017ab71ce1129084d885/test_ago.py?at=default def delta2dict(delta): """Accepts a delta, returns a dictionary of units""" delta = abs(delta) return {'year': delta.days / 365, 'day': delta.days % 365, 'hour': delta.seconds / 3600, 'minute': (delta.seconds / 60) % 60, 'second': delta.seconds % 60, 'microsecond': delta.microseconds } def human(dt, precision=2, past_tense='{} ago', future_tense='in {}'): """Accept a datetime or timedelta, return a human readable delta string""" delta = dt if type(dt) is not type(datetime.timedelta()): delta = datetime.datetime.now() - dt the_tense = past_tense if delta < datetime.timedelta(0): the_tense = future_tense d = delta2dict(delta) hlist = [] count = 0 units = ('year', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'microsecond') for unit in units: if count >= precision: break # met precision if d[unit] == 0: continue # skip 0's s = '' if d[unit] == 1 else 's' # handle plurals hlist.append('%s %s%s' % (d[unit], current.T(unit), s)) count += 1 human_delta = ', '.join(hlist) return the_tense.format(human_delta)
Comments (1)
niphlod 11 years ago
there's prettydate that does the exact same thing already included. What is missing ?
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