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RPX + Normal auth working together ...
AWS Simple Email Service is a nice way to send emails without needing to operate your own mail server. This code utilizes "Boto" library which is a Py ...
This slice can be used to get a list of flickr photos passing the photoset ID ...
This widget will create a <select> object with an "Add" button next to it, allowing users to add new catagories, etc on the fly without having to visi ...
In case you need to display some feeds on your page ...
Hi, this is a simple tip on how you can use pyGravatar to get user profile picture. ...
if you have an application that has access control it can be annoying to log in every time even though you are on localhost. This small snippet will a ...
sapdb 7.3 backup script: an example ...
db2 kill process backup ...
A plugin for web2py-powered sites that implements a basic full text search engine for local site search. ...
Requires jQuery.form plugin ...
This is how you can modify web2py_ajax.html to make your upload fields work in LOADed components (web2py_component(), web2py_ajax_page()) with little ...
lean and small plugin for star rating. support split stars, can be used more than one times in a page (for same record or different ones), If origin ...
Pingbacks allow blog posts and other resources such as photos to automatically notify one another of backlinks. This plugin exposes a decorator to pin ...
Script to install Web2py, Cherokee 1.0.14 & uWSGI on a new Ubuntu 10.04 image. ...
To limit abuse this slice shows how to use CAPTCHA after a number of unsuccessful login attempts. ...
web2py's admin supports Mercurial for versioning but can one pull and push changes via HTTP? I wrapped Mercurial's hgwebdir wsgi app in a simple contr ...
insert and delete in database using ajax and show in view (gmail uses ajax for deleting) ...
My implementation of Paypal web payments standard using both encrypted requests and IPN for a secure process workflow. Note that i am running this on ...
some very rough notes on using virtualenv, a work in progress... ...
To publish geo-referenced maps using a webservices (less than 15 lines of code) ...
Quick and dirty multi file ajax file upload with multi selection a drag and drop. Javascript plugin at http://valums.com/ajax-upload/ ...
It often happens that you have two tables (for example 'client' and 'address') which are linked together by a reference and you want to create a singl ...
Read latest entries from google groups and google code ...
Shows how to filter a table with a date interval picked by the user and show the result in html page with option to download the PDF version. Require ...