If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
Hello, I have been unable to solve a very simple problem, I am new to W2P. I have a da ...
Is there a way for web2py app to upload file to www.copy.com instead of the server local file system ? ...
Is there a way for a web2py app to upload file to <a href="http://www.copy.com">http://www.copy.com</a> instead of the server local file system ...
This code is a working example that formats a form input to send emails containing multiple atachments or store them as draft (i.e. with the new imap ...
Adding a captcha to a form as shown in the book requires too much work!! ;-) Here is a simpler way to do it. ...
Simple search form to filter orders from specific buyer/user ...
I have design a a page using html and my own custom grid system .. and wish to port it to web2py view I have placed my CSS files, js ...
This is an extension of ochiba77's slice. This doesn't use a db to get the data for the dropdowns. ...
Create Form Wizards based on web2py SQLFORM, allows client side validation eve for single step forms ...
If you want to work with <fieldset> and <legend> you can still use SQLFORM. As shown in other slides the form can be manipulated by slicing and method ...