If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
PollyReports.py provides a set of classes for database report writing. It assumes that you are using Reportlab to do PDF generation, but can work wi ...
a "Django" like admin for web2py 2.0 ...
Simple search form to filter orders from specific buyer/user ...
The answer to this question was on <em>movu.ca</em>, but that site is not available at the moment. Would you mind posting the same answer ...
Hi to all. I love Movuca so I am trying to use it in some projects in Uminho University Humanities department. I ...
Quick reference for web2py ...
Keep updated about new slices ...
web2py slices tems and conditions ...
Web2pyslices on feedburner ...
How to quickly get up and running on Red Hat's Openshift PaaS with web2py in as little as six steps! ...