If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
corrected some typos ...
This application shows an experimental example of a class-based plugin scheme on web2py. The 'cairo piechart' application (slice12) by ont.rif is rest ...
Notes on how to deploy web2py on ubuntu using apache mod_wsgi and postgresql inside of VirtualHost ...
This is a simple app to help your users track mileage on their Blackberry mobile device. No fancy GPS, just define your trips and email a report. ...
This is example of how to output cairo generation from controller's function. ...
This widget adds a link next to the <SELECT> object created by IS_IN_DB that allows create a new record (option) without leaving the screen. ...
base on Django snippets <http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/678/> <http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/679/> ...
This document is meant to be an introduction to Paypal integration in web2py, it does, by no means, cover all the possible integrations with Paypal, a ...
This is a helper module that I wrote for web2py that lets you do some interesting and useful things with client side script. You can manage resources ...
This is a simple example of how to retrieve JSON data from the server and consume it with jQuery. ...