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*UPDATE* This module is no longer maintained. Please use SQLFORM.grid instead.

Add the webgrid.py module to your modules folder (download at bottom)

In your model:

webgrid = local_import('webgrid')

In your controller:

def index():
    grid = webgrid.WebGrid(crud)
    grid.datasource = db(db.things.id>0)
    grid.pagesize = 10
    return dict(grid=grid()) #notice the ()

The datasource can be a Set, Rows, Table, or list of Table. Joins are also supported.

grid.datasource = db(db.things.id>0) #Set
grid.datasource = db(db.things.id>0).select() #Rows
grid.datasource = db.things #Table
grid.datasource = [db.things,db.others] #list of Table
grid.datasource = db(db.things.id==db.others.thing)# join

The main row components of the WebGrid are header, filter, datarow, pager, page_total, footer

You can link to crud functions using action_links. Just tell it where crud is exposed:

grid.crud_function = 'data'

You can turn rows on and off:

grid.enabled_rows = ['header','filter', 'pager','totals','footer','add_links']

You can control the fields and field headers:

grid.fields = ['things.name','things.location','things.amount']
grid.field_headers = ['Name','Location','Amount']

You can control the action links (links to crud actions) and action headers:

grid.action_links = ['view','edit','delete']
grid.action_headers = ['view','edit','delete']

You will want to modify crud.settings.[action]_next so that it redirects to your WebGrid page after completing:

if request.controller == 'default' and request.function == 'data':
    if request.args:
        crud.settings[request.args(0)+'_next'] = URL(r=request,f='index')

You can get page totals for numeric fields:

grid.totals = ['things.amount']

You can set filters on columns:

grid.filters = ['things.name','things.created']

You can modify the Query that filters use (not available if your datasource is a Rows object, use rows.find):

grid.filter_query = lambda f,v: f==v

You can control which request vars are allowed to override the grid settings:

grid.allowed_vars = ['pagesize','pagenum','sortby','ascending','groupby','totals']

The WebGrid will use a field's represent function if present when rendering the cell. If you need more control, you can completely override the way a row is rendered.

The functions that render each row can be replaced with your own lambda or function:

grid.view_link = lambda row: ...
grid.edit_link = lambda row: ...
grid.delete_link = lambda row: ...
grid.header = lambda fields: ...
grid.datarow = lambda row: ...
grid.footer = lambda fields: ...
grid.pager = lambda pagecount: ...
grid.page_total = lambda:

Here are some useful variables for building your own rows:

grid.joined # tells you if your datasource is a join
grid.css_prefix # used for css
grid.response # the datasource result
grid.colnames # column names of datasource result
grid.total # the count of datasource result

For example, let's customize the footer:

grid.footer = lambda fields : TFOOT(TD("This is my footer" , 
                                               _class=grid.css_prefix + '-webgrid footer')

You can also customize messages:

grid.messages.confirm_delete = 'Are you sure?'
grid.messages.no_records = 'No records'
grid.messages.add_link = '[add %s]'
grid.messages.page_total = "Total:"

You can also also use the row_created event to modify the row when it is created. Let's add a column to the header:

def on_row_created(row,rowtype,record):
    if rowtype=='header':
        row.components.append(TH(' '))

grid.row_created = on_row_created

Let's move the action links to the right side:

def links_right(tablerow,rowtype,rowdata):
    if rowtype != 'pager':
        links = tablerow.components[:3]
        del tablerow.components[:3]

grid.row_created = links_right

alt text

If you are using multiple grids on the same page, they must have unique names.

Download webgrid.py

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Comments (112)

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  • 0
    mrfreeze 15 years ago
    Thanks to Fran for recent improvements. The WebGrid is now datatables compliant (you must disable the add_link though).

  • 0
    mrfreeze 15 years ago
    Better, stronger, faster. It now supports multiple grids per page!

  • 0
    benigno 15 years ago
    Very very nice, usefull and absolutelly reusable. One thing, anyway to remove links? grid.action_links = [] grid.action_headers = [] drops an error, and with an empty string, gets badly formated. A thing I'd love in here would be a search, (server side) searching in all columns with "contains" or something like that. But I guess thats probably in the pipeline already. Thanks for this great module.

  • 0
    mrfreeze 15 years ago
    You found a bug! It is fixed now. I'm working on the search feature as we speak :)

  • 0
    alexandreandrade 15 years ago
    I have a problem when my page uses request.args. The links at the grid's header don't work. So I used this workaround: -------------------------- if request.args(0): session.request_var = request.args(0) ..... your code return(grid=grid()) else: arg = request.function + '/' + session.request_var + '?' vars = '' for var in request.vars.keys(): vars= vars + var + '=' + request.vars[var] + '&' vars = vars[:-1] arg = arg + vars redirect(arg) ------------------- the important thing to change is the value of request.args(0) in session.your_request.var. Would be good if Webgrid detects if has request.args and correct the link at header of table.

  • 0
    mrfreeze 15 years ago
    I updated it to include the request.args. Please try when you have a chance. I also added column filters. I'll update the slice to include usage

  • 0
    mrfreeze 15 years ago
    It now handles filter query cache and page size.

  • 0
    thadeusb 15 years ago
    Do you have a sample css?

  • 0
    thadeusb 15 years ago
    If you are using the grid in a controller other than the one that you define with crud, it will not be able to sort by the column names/etc, since it is redirecting to the incorrect URL. if crud.settings.controller = default and webgrid defined in controller 'admin/list' webgrid will attempt to redirect to 'default/list?vars' instead of the desired 'admin/list?vars'

  • 0
    mrfreeze 15 years ago
    It's currently designed to work in the same controller that CRUD is exposed. I'll take a look at modifying it to handle different controllers. I don't have a CSS example at the moment but everything gets marked up with two classes during generation = '{name}-webgrid {component}. For example, the header in a webgrid named 'testgrid' would have the class 'testgrid-webgrid header'.

  • 0
    johannspies 15 years ago
    I am uncertain how to handle the controller part. I see the link to create a new entry refers to default/data/create/. So how do I define a 'create' function in the default controller? Also, I do not really understand your remark above: "You can link to crud functions using action_links. Just tell it where crud is exposed: grid.crud_function = 'data'" I suspect it is related, but could you explain a bit more for a beginner please? I am not sure how to interact with your module.

  • 0
    mrfreeze 15 years ago
    Webgrid uses CRUD which needs to be exposed in your controller somewhere (currently the same controller as webgrid): def data(): return dict(form=crud()) grid.crud_function tells the webgrid where your crud functions are exposed which in this case is the 'data' function. Crud is separate from webgrid. Look on page 230 (labeled 214) for more info.

  • 0
    mrfreeze 15 years ago
    @johann - 'create' is actually request.args(0) of the 'data' function in the 'default' controller. Hope that helps.

  • 0
    alexandreandrade 14 years ago
    I have a problem with the 'pager' funcionality. First, even when I have more rows than the grid.page_size, 'prev' and 'next' still mantains the link: http://hipercenter.com/convenios/convenios/convenios# Second, the page numbers don't work: http://hipercenter.com/convenios/default/convenios?convenios_pagenum=1 makes web2py generates a 'invalid function' page/error. looks web2py don't accept ? as the end of function in the link to separate convenios_pagenum as arg. how make it work?

  • 0
    alexandreandrade 14 years ago
    Solved: put on the function you are putting the grid crud.settings.controller = 'convenios' # and @auth.requires_login() def data(): return dict(form=crud())
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