In general this is a little trick to loop an operator on a list of arguments in the case you don't want or you can't consider the neutral element of the operator itself.
If you want for example to implement the sum of a list of integers the simpliest way is the following:
l = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] r = 0 # the neutral element of sum for i in l: r += i
If you consider for example the "&" or "|" query operators for whom I don't know which is the rispective neutral element you can use the following method based on the associative property of the considered operator to obtain a query in which all conditions has to be verified.
from gluon import dal def querysum(*args): # considering to write this function in my modules I can get db from queries I pass as function arguments db = args[0]._db args1 = args[len(args)%2:] r = map(db._adapter.AND, args1[::2], args1[1::2]) while len(r) > 1: r = querysum(*r) if len(args)%2: # only if I have an odd number of arguments r = map(db._adapter.AND, r, args[:len(args)%2]) return dal.Query(db, *r)
I hope to be of any interest :-)
Comments (2)
pang 9 years ago
Can you post an example?
I don't really get it. Are you just joining the queries with "&"
How about
q = reduce((lambda a,b:a&b), args)
This one has a problem if args is empty, but your solution also has that problem... hard to solve because the empty query makes no sense
replies (1)
paulo 12 years ago
Thanks for the share!
replies (1)