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1. Create an app in web2py admin panel
2. In models/db.py define a table named entries
Entries = db.define_table("entries", Field("entry", "text")) 

3. Register a new user in http://localhost:8000/myapp/default/user/register


4. Go to appadmin http://localhost:8000/myapp/appadmin and Add a couple of entries.

5. now add the RESTful services to the default.py controller as described in http://goo.gl/iITNd ('parse_as_rest') or here: http://goo.gl/ltfa2
def api():
    response.view = 'generic.'+request.extension
    def GET(*args,**vars):
        patterns = 'auto'
        parser = db.parse_as_rest(patterns,args,vars)
        if parser.status == 200:
            return dict(content=parser.response)
            raise HTTP(parser.status,parser.error)
    def POST(table_name,**vars):
        return db[table_name].validate_and_insert(**vars)
    def PUT(table_name,record_id,**vars):
        return db(db[table_name]._id==record_id).update(**vars)
    def DELETE(table_name,record_id):
        return db(db[table_name]._id==record_id).delete()



6. In the browser:
  you get all entries with
7. you get the just the second entry with
8. you get all auto-generated patterns with
That's as far as we get with GET in a browser.
9. To make things more realistic, we add basic user authentication and try some POSTs with curl.
- Add 
auth.settings.allow_basic_login = True
above @request.restful. Authentification now is mandatory for the REST interface.
10. get the first entry
11. post a new entry
  curl --user user:pass -d "f_entry=something"
12. delete the first entry
  curl -X DELETE --user user:pass
13. Same thing from python:
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth 
payload = {'f_entry': 'somevalue'}
auth=HTTPBasicAuth('user', 'pass')
r = requests.post("", data=payload, auth=auth)
r = requests.delete("", data=payload, auth=auth)


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Comments (2)

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    raj-chinna-11798 11 years ago



    I know it's beginner question, but still am struggling to find a answer for it. 


    Currently am building a restful service with my web2py app to get log files from my mobile application, so I need to know how to handle file uploading (server & client side [java]) in the web2py restful services. 


    Thanks in advance,



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    dirkk0 12 years ago


    To PUT (=update) something, you need to call:
    curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -X PUT --user user:pass -d "f_entry=something newest"
    with id=1 being an existing entry.

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