If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
It often happens that you have two tables (for example 'client' and 'address') which are linked together by a reference and you want to create a singl ...
Handy shortcuts for creating an updating database records ...
A quick and dirty way to send HTML mail. Adapting the mail module in tools.py would be the next step... I just put it here to be able to refer to it i ...
Describes how to use the Google blobstore API, allowing files up to 50MB to be used when a web2py project is hosted on Google App Engine ...
Create a new file models/pageStatistics.py and copy this slice into it. If you want to get the results displayed to the visitor, also add a line to t ...
Sample category plug-in class. ...
This is a way to externalize your auth, crud and mail settings so that they can be stored in the database and managed through appadmin . ...