If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
Create admin group (and other groups), make possible edit user membership of the groups. ...
Simple instructions to make a single login by two different ways. ...
Article about how to use web2py as a CAS provider and apache with mod_auth_cas as a consumer. ...
How to use the new web2py built-in Wiki interface in your app ...
Sometimes you want to manage users and their membership at the same form.. this one of the possible solutions ...
Recipe postes by "Udi Milo" on google group ...
Recently in the local hackerspace we have a small discussion about which tools use to reshape our website. Most of them voted for a "tested ...
Now (1.99.6) you can restrict login access based on ldap groups where the user is a member and automatically manage ldap groups in web2py app's db. ...
This is a recipe to use web2py + ldap in the real world. It's from my blog post. http://ochiba77.blogspot.com/2011/10/how-to-set-up-web2py-ldap-with-w ...
RPX + Normal auth working together ...