If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!
Transform web2py applications into Eclipse projects. ...
Deployment scheme on standard Windows. ...
This slice show how to create a form wizard and it is based on this post: http://motanet.com.br/python/form-wizard-com-web2py/ ...
I originally posted this tutorial here: http://opensourcebroadcasting.blogspot.com/2010/04/setting-up-web2py-for-use-with-google.html but perhaps it ...
To document the multiuser/teacher mode of web2py and discuss bug and feature requests. The content describes multiuser mode using the discussions with ...
RPX + Normal auth working together ...
AWS Simple Email Service is a nice way to send emails without needing to operate your own mail server. This code utilizes "Boto" library which is a Py ...
This slice can be used to get a list of flickr photos passing the photoset ID ...
This widget will create a <select> object with an "Add" button next to it, allowing users to add new catagories, etc on the fly without having to visi ...
In case you need to display some feeds on your page ...