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You may want to use ssh port forwarding for web2py development. This is because

"web2py is secure"

Since admin gives you r/w rights to database it can not be accessed via plain http.

Good idea is to use two instances of web2py for development purposes.

First instance

python web2py.py -i public_ip -p 80 -a ""

Second instance

python web2py.py -i -p 8001 -a "password"

one instance serves your beta testers and users, the second one runs just for you

There is one more thing to do, we have to esablish a tunnel between our workstation and the server:

ssh -L 8001: user@server

the first "8001" is your local port on the machine that runs your browser

the : is where you estabilished your web2py instance on the server.

then type:


or enter the url in your browser.

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    paulgerrard 14 years ago
    From a Windows box going to UNIX server, use putty, instead of the command "ssh -L ... " Here how to setup putty: In the Category in 'Connection ->SSH->Tunnels', add 'Source port: 8001' and 'Destination:'. Then press the 'Add' button.

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