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Plugin Wiki Category Widget

System for managing categories in plugin_wiki. without the need to change the models,
views or controllers of web2py, including only code to be executed in the meta-code of the wiki.

  • Runs perfectly on GAE

Ensures backward compatibility, it works independently of the core code.

I still need suggestions and help to improve the code, make a good error handling,
and any improvement that can be identified.

I would appreciate that the Code-Experts write reviews to help make this code better,
This type of widget helps those who are using plugin_wiki (cube2py) platform
to create a blog, help pages or anything that needs categories and widgets.

Demo Page


Just put the code into meta-code page of plugin_wiki

PageCategories and Search
Define a table and widget to manage and list page categories and search in plugin wiki
Bruno Rocha - @rochacbruno
Copy and paste this code to your own meta-code page
response.title = 'Your Site Title'

#Table definition

#Category CleanUp
def categoryClean():
    Check if a category exists for a deleted page, then delete the dead category
    #populate a set with pages in db
    dbpages = set()
    [dbpages.add(item.slug) for item in db(db.plugin_wiki_page.id>0).select(db.plugin_wiki_page.slug) ]
    #populate a set with pages referenced by categories
    dbcats = set()
    [dbcats.add(item.slug) for item in db(db.category.id>0).select(db.category.slug)]
    #cleanup dead entries
    if dbcats-dbpages:
        [db(db.category.slug==page).delete() for page in dbcats-dbpages ]

def br(n=1):
    '<br /><br />'
    return XML('<br />'*n)

def elink(text,url,target='_blank'):
    '<a href='http://google.com' alt='Google' target='_blank'>Google</a>'
    '<a href='http://google.com' alt='Google' target='_self'>Google</a>'
    return XML("<a href='%s' alt='%s' target='%s'>%s</a>" % (url,text,target,text))

#The Widgets
class PluginWikiWidgets(PluginWikiWidgets):
    def categoryAdd(slug='{{=request.args(0)}}',\
                                  message='<div><br><br> Esta página foi inserida nas categorias <strong> %s </strong><br><br></div>',\
        - slug: is the page slug  !! Dont Change !! keep {{=request.args(0)}} \n
        - categories: is a  comma separated list of categories (Page,Post,Tech,Food) - NO SPACE BETWEEN\n
        - message: is a message to show on page,  %s is categories list\n
        - showmessage: 'True' or 'Yes' the message is shown, Leave blank, or omit to hide the message\n

        if slug and categories:
            dbcats = set()
            [dbcats.add(item.category) for item in db(db.category.slug==slug).select(db.category.category)]

            cats = set(categories.split(','))

            if dbcats-cats:
                [db((db.category.category==cat)&(db.category.slug==slug)).delete() for cat in dbcats-cats]

            if cats-dbcats:
                [db.category.insert(slug=slug,category=cat) for cat in cats-dbcats]

        if len(showmessage) > 0 :
            #return XML(message % categories) 
            return XML(message % SPAN(*[A('%s ' % cat ,_href=URL(r=request,f='page',args=['categoryitems',cat])) for cat in cats]))
            return '<br>'

    def categoryList(searchpage='categoryitems'):
        - searchpage is the name of the page that will show the posts for a category
        dbcategories = db(db.category.id>0).select()
        if dbcategories:
            #distinct categories, to run on GAE
            categories = set()
            [categories.add(cat.category) for cat in dbcategories]
            categories = sorted(categories)

            return UL(*[LI(*[A(cat.capitalize(),_href=URL(r=request,f='page',args=[searchpage,cat]))])\
                                for cat in categories])
            return ''

    def categoryListItems(category='{{=request.args(1)}}',\
                                            nfmessage='<div><br><br>Nothing found to the category <strong> %s </strong><br><br></div>'):
        - category is the category name parameter, {{=request.args(1)}} takes first argument passed to the page
        items = (db(db.category.category==category).select()).sort(lambda row:row.slug)
        if items:
            return UL(*[LI(*[A(XML(db(db.plugin_wiki_page.slug==item.slug)\
                                for item in items])
           return nfmessage % category

    def searchPages(string=None,nfmessage='Nothing found with %s'):
        string: string to be found
        found = set()

        string = request.vars.search

        if string:
            #search in slug
            pages = db(db.plugin_wiki_page.id>0).select(db.plugin_wiki_page.slug)
            for page in pages:
                if page.slug.find(string) > -1:

            #search in page body
            pages = db(db.plugin_wiki_page.id>0).select(db.plugin_wiki_page.slug,db.plugin_wiki_page.body)
            for page in pages:
                if page.body.find(string) > -1:

            #search in page body
            pages = db(db.plugin_wiki_page.id>0).select(db.plugin_wiki_page.slug,db.plugin_wiki_page.title)
            for page in pages:
                if page.title.find(string) > -1:

            if found:
                cleanfound = set()
                for row in found:
                    if row[:4]!='meta':

                return UL(*[LI(*[A(XML(db(db.plugin_wiki_page.slug==row)\
                                for row in cleanfound])
                return nfmessage % string

            return ''

    def showHideSidebar(showtext='[ Exibir Barra Lateral ]',hidetext='[ Esconder Barra Lateral ]'):
        return "<a id='hide' class='showhide'>%(hide)s</a><a id='show' class='showhide'>%(show)s</a>"  % {'hide':hidetext,'show':showtext}

    def nextPrevPage(slug='{{=request.args(0)}}',first='000',last='999'):
        #THAT WORKS ONLY IF YOU NAME YOUR PAGES AS something-000,something-001...
        #this uses the last 3 elements after '-' in the page slug
        - slug is the actual page slug
        - first defines the page that is the first in the sequence
        - last is the same
        pagenumber = slug.split('-')[-1]
        e = False
            nextpage = '%03d' % (int(pagenumber)+1)
            previouspage = '%03d' % (int(pagenumber)-1)
        except Exception, e:
            nextpage= ''
            previouspage = ''

        pages = []
        prepend = '-'.join(slug.split('-')[:-1])+'-'

        if not pagenumber==first and not previouspage==first:
            pages.append({'text':'<< Voltar ','link':prepend+previouspage})

        if not pagenumber==first:
            pages.append({'text':' | Início | ','link':prepend+first})

        if not pagenumber==last and not nextpage==last:
            pages.append({'text':'Continuar >> ','link':prepend+nextpage})

        if pages:
            return XML('[ %s ]' % SPAN(*[A('%s ' % page['text'] ,_href=URL(r=request,f='page',args=[page['link'],])) for page in pages]))

The usage

You will be able to add the widgets via widget-builder

  • categoryAdd Manage categories on each page, you can set how many categories you need per page
  • categoryList shows a distinct list of categories, with a link to a page that shows all pages under a category ( this is the widget used in meta-sidebar )
  • categoryListItems Shows a list of pages under a category that is passed to the page parameter

How to Add a Category to a page

  • slug: is the page slug, leave it unchanged to catch the actual page name
  • categories is a comma separeted list of categories, case-sensitive, no black space allowed
  • message: is the message shown as return, default is a list of categories for the page
  • showmessage: flagto show or not the message

    name: categoryAdd
    slug: {{=request.args(0)}}
    categories: category1,category2,categoryN  
    message: <div><br><br> This page is under <strong> %s </strong> category(ies)<br><br></div>
    showmessage: True

How to List Categories

  • searchpage: is the name of the page that link in each category listed will follow

    name: categoryList  
    searchpage: categoryitems  

How to List Category Items ( to be used as a search page)

  • category: catch the category name from arg passed to page
  • nfmessage: the message shown when nothing is found

    name: categoryListItems
    category: {{=request.args(1)}}
    nfmessage: <div><br><br>Nothing Found under the category <strong> %s </strong><br><br></div>

How to add Ajax Search and category list to meta-sidebar (or anywhere)

     //translates auth.navbar
     $('.auth_navbar').html('[ <a href="/init/default/user/login">Efetuar login</a> | <a href="/init/default/user/register">Cadastre-se</a> ]')
   // Search function
    ajax("{{=URL(r=request, c='plugin_wiki',f='page.load/searchpages')}}",['search'],'target'); 
        return false; 
<input id='search' name='search'>
<div id='target' name='target'></div>
<br />

## Categorias
name: categoryList
searchpage: categoryitems

Create the page that responds to the search

  • searchpages


 name: searchPages
string: {{=request.args(1)}}
nfmessage: Não encontrados com a palavra (%s)

TO-DO (Help Needed):

  • remove blank spaces from category list
  • make category list, case unsensitive
  • Counter to show on categoryList
  • Create a Modal Box with JavaScript, to add categories

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