First in the Controller add the Following Code :
@auth.requires_login() def events(): response.flash = 'Welcome %s , Please Select A Date , So i Can look up All The User Events In That Date :)' %(auth.user.first_name) events = db().select(db.auth_event.ALL, userevent = '' eventlist = [] for i in events: if not str(i.time_stamp)[:10] in eventlist: eventlist.append(str(i.time_stamp)[:10]) if request.vars: if request.vars.timestamp2: response.flash = 'All the Users with events from %s to %s' %(request.vars.timestamp,request.vars.timestamp2) userevent = db(db.auth_event.time_stamp[:10] >= request.vars.timestamp and db.auth_event.time_stamp[:10] <= request.vars.timestamp2).select(db.auth_event.ALL) else: response.flash = 'All the Users with events on %s' %(request.vars.timestamp) userevent = db(db.auth_event.time_stamp[:10] == request.vars.timestamp).select(db.auth_event.ALL) return locals()
Secound create default/events page and add the following code :
{{extend 'layout.html'}} <style> legend{ font-size:16px!important; } fieldset{ border:1px solid #CCCCCC!important; } </style> <center> <form method="post" action="{{=URL('events')}}" id="eventform"> <fieldset> <legend>User Event Filteration</legend> Date IN : <select name="timestamp" id="timestamp" style="width:350px" > {{for i in eventlist:}} <option value="{{=i}}" >{{=str(i)[:11]}}</option> {{pass}} </select><br><br> <input type="submit"/> <div style="clear:both"></div> <br/> </fieldset> </form> <span id="removef" style="color:blue">[   Remove Period Time Filteration   ]</span> <span id="addf" style="color:blue">[  Add Period Time Filteration   ]</span><br><br> <p style="color:red">{{=response.flash or ''}}</p> <br> {{=userevent}} </center> <script> $('#removef').hide(); $('#addf').click(function(){ $('#eventform input[type=submit]').before('Date To : <select name="timestamp2" id="timestamp2" style="width:350px" >{{for i in eventlist:}}<option value="{{=i}}" >{{=str(i)[:11]}}</option>{{pass}}</select><br></br>'); $('#addf').hide(); $('#removef').show() }); $('#removef').click(function(){ $('#timestamp2').remove(); $('#addf').show(); $('#removef').hide(); }); </script>
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