This is taken from some of my working code.
-------------------controller ######### enquiry form ########## enqform = SQLFORM.factory( Field('name', label='Name *', requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), default='%s %s'%(auth.user.first_name or '', auth.user.last_name or '') if auth.user_id else ''), Field('email', label='Email *', requires = [IS_EMAIL(),IS_NOT_EMPTY()], default = ( or '') if auth.user_id else ''), Field('message', 'text', label='Message'), Field('spam_test', label='Please ignore this'), ) if enqform.process(dbio=False).accepted: response.js="$('#modal_form').dialog('close');" if not form.vars.spam_test: mail.send(to=['list@of',email@addresses'], subject='Enquiry From: ', # If reply_to is omitted, then mail.settings.sender is used #reply_to='', message='Name: ' +'\nEmail: ' +'\nMessage: '+request.vars.message +'\nRe: Advert: %s [id: %s]'% (, ) elif enqform.errors: response.flash = 'Enquiry Form has Errors' response.js="$('#modal_form').dialog({autoOpen : true, modal : true, width : 'auto', title : 'Enquiry Form'});" else: response.js="$('#modal_form').dialog('open').focus();" return dict(enqform=enqform.....)
Then in your view...
------------- view <!-- Enquiry Section --> <script language="javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#no_table_spam_test__row").css("display","none"); $("#enquirybutton").click(function() { $('#modal_enqform').dialog({modal : true, width : 'auto', title : 'Enquiry Form'}); }); {{=XML(response.js)}} }) </script> <div id="modal_enqform" style='display:none'>{{=enqform}}</div> <!-- Enquiry Section Ends -->
Include jQuery libraries:
---------layout.html <!-- **** Take care all libraries are compatible!!! I made it work with these added to layout.html (and wasted a lot of time experimenting with others) **** --> <script src="//"></script> <link href="{{=response.theme or "smoothness"}}/jquery-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Comments (1)
john-frank-11168 10 years ago
hi thank you. can you pls give some usecase example? when i tried, i couldn't get it work. it just displayed as another webpage...for example, i put your code as controller function named "modal" and created another function named "testmodal". From "testmodal" function, when i tried to redirect to "modal" function, it just shows as another webpage.