1. Create new app called gmap
2. Download gmaps.js
Go to http://hpneo.github.com/gmaps/ and download gmaps.js. Place it under the app folder static/js/gmaps.js
3. controllers/default.py
Replace the def index() with the following.
def index(): from gluon.tools import geocode latitude = longtitude = '' form=SQLFORM.factory(Field('search'), _class='form-search') form.custom.widget.search['_class'] = 'input-long search-query' form.custom.submit['_value'] = 'Search' form.custom.submit['_class'] = 'btn' if form.accepts(request): address=form.vars.search (latitude, longitude) = geocode(address) else: (latitude, longitude) = ('','') return dict(form=form, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude)
Note: There was an issue #855 and just fixed with the Version 2.0.0 (2012-06-17 23:36:32) dev. If you are using the web2py version older than this, make sure to replace the latitude and longitude as follows.
(longitude, latitude) = geocode(address)
4. views/default/index.html
Replace it with the following.
{{extend 'layout.html'}} <script src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true"></script> <script src="{{=URL('static','js/gmaps.js')}}"></script> <div> {{=form.custom.begin}} {{=form.custom.widget.search}}{{=form.custom.submit}} {{=form.custom.end}} </div> {{if longitude or latitude:}} <p>latitude, longtitude: {{=latitude}},{{=longitude}}</p> <div id="map" style="height:400px;width:800px"></div> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ map = new GMaps({ div: '#map', lat: {{=latitude}}, lng: {{=longitude}} }); map.addMarker({ lat: {{=latitude}}, lng: {{=longitude}}, title: 'Here!', infoWindow: { content: '<p>{{=request.vars.search}}</p>' } }); }); </script> {{pass}}
5. Result
Type "243 S Wabash Ave, Chicago, IL, USA" and see the result.
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