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Package type:


  • Project:Networked Decision Making
  • Type:Git
  • Project's site
  • Root location:https://github.com/DonaldMcC/gdms




The internet revolutionised communication in part by moving from the synchronised approach  of the telephone to the asynchronous mechanisms of email, messaging and websites.  A similar revolution has not yet taken place in our approach to decision making and I'd like to understand what is required to make this come about.  This application provides a relatively simple structures that makes this possible.


How it works?

Users submit multiple choice questions and these are answered independently until 3 people agree on the answer. At that point the issue is considered resolved until 3 others challenge the answer. It is envisaged that this approach will be useful to both small and large groups seeking to operate with an open and democratic approach to decision making.

The system is considered superior to democracy in that not everyone needs to be consulted on every issue and there is a loose hierarchy in place with questions generating conflicting answers being routed to more experienced problem solvers


v4.0.2 is a major upgrade incorporating events and visualisations using D3.js and datatables.net for main displays.  It also supports python solcial authentication as recommended authentication method.  It should now be readily useable by smaller organisations looking for a structured decision making platform.

Many thanks for any comments, criticism or support that anyone has time to give me.

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