If you benefit from web2py hope you feel encouraged to pay it forward by contributing back to society in whatever form you choose!

The "Official" resting place for this slice will be on my JoeCodeswell.WordPress.com  blog, here.

In controllers/default.py put:


import datetime, random, string
import urllib, urllib2
import requests
# TODO: Replace these globals with your own.
HOST      = 'yoursite.com'        # REGISTER with developer.wordpress.com
APPNAME   = 'yourappname'         # REGISTER with developer.wordpress.com
CLIENT_SECRET = 'BIG.LONG.STRING' # GET FROM developer.wordpress.com
CLIENT_ID = '12345'               # GET FROM developer.wordpress.com
def authorize_blog():
    Initiates retrieval of OAuth2 credentials which
        allows your user to aurhorize her blog for use by your app.  
    Generates an HTML page containing a WordPress Authorize button which
        holds a redirect_uri callback to your app.
    When your user presses this button, she is sent to WordPress.com, where,
        IF she AUTHORIZES one of her blogs:
            WordPress.com will send OAuth2 credentials to YOUR callback URL.  
    see: http://developer.wordpress.com/docs/oauth2/           
    # see [OAuth2 state Article on stackoverflow] (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11071482/oauth2-0-server-stack-how-to-use-state-to-prevent-csrf-for-draft2-0-v20)
    state = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for x in range(30))
    state = str(datetime.datetime.now()).replace(':', '.').replace(' ', '') + '_' + state
    session.state = state
    params = {
        "response_type": "code",
        "client_id": CLIENT_ID,
        "redirect_uri": URL(f='connected', scheme='http', host=HOST, url_encode=False),
        "state": state,
    authorize_url_0 = URL(a='oauth2', c='authorize', f='', vars=params, scheme='https', host='public-api.wordpress.com', url_encode=False)
    # The web2py URL function inserts an (in this case) UNNEEDED reference to the current web2py app.
    #     This string function gets rid of that reference.
    authorize_url =  authorize_url_0.replace(APPNAME+'/', '',1)
    thehtml = XML(
        '<html><body><h2>Connect FROM YourWebsite.com TO WordPress.com</h2><a href="' +
        authorize_url +
        '"><img src="//s0.wp.com/i/wpcc-button.png" width="231" /></a></body></html>'
    return thehtml
def connected():
    1. Receive request.vars.code == a "time-limited code that your application can exchange for a full authorization token."
    see: http://developer.wordpress.com/docs/oauth2/  
        This is a time-limited code that your application can exchange for a full authorization token.
        To do this you will need to pass the code to the token endpoint by making a POST request to the token endpoint:
            You are required to pass
                client_secret, and
                redirect_uri for web applications.
                    These parameters have to match the details for your application, and
                        the redirect_uri must match the redirect_uri used during the Authorize step (above).
                grant_type has to be set to "authorization_code".  
    2. Convert time-limited code into  OAuth2 full authorization credentials.
        [NOT SHOWN: how to store credentials in db]   
    3. For demo purposes, list the blog with the credentials.   
    # 1. Receive request.vars.code
    code = request.vars.code   # returned from WordPress.com
    if not code:
    # see [OAuth2 state Article on stackoverflow] (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11071482/oauth2-0-server-stack-how-to-use-state-to-prevent-csrf-for-draft2-0-v20)   
    state = request.vars.state
    if not state:
        return dict(message='Warning! State variable missing after authorization.')
    if (not session.state):
        return dict(message='Warning! No session.atate! WHY NOT??? variable missing after authorization.')
    if state != session.state:
        return dict(message='Warning! State mismatch. Authorization attempt may have been compromised. This: ' + state + ' should be: ' + session.state)
    # 2. Convert time-limited code
    # TODO: Replace values client_id, client_secret with YOUR's, previously received from dev.WordPress.com setup.
    payload = { 'client_id': CLIENT_ID,
                'client_secret': CLIENT_SECRET,
                'redirect_uri': 'http://'+HOST+'/'+APPNAME+'/default/connected',
                'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
                'code': request.vars.code,
    # Call the token endpoint
    rsp_token_request = requests.post("https://public-api.wordpress.com/oauth2/token", data=payload)
    # 'Response [200]' means SUCCESS
    if not 'Response [200]' in str(rsp_token_request):    
        return dict(message='Problem! "Response [200]" not in response!')
    jsonDict     = rsp_token_request.json()
    access_token = jsonDict['access_token']
    blog_id      = jsonDict['blog_id']
    blog_url     = jsonDict['blog_url']
    # TODO: [NO SHOWN] Store access_token, blog_id, blog_url in the db for further use.  
    # For demo purposes, we will use these credentials here, to list this blog.
    base_url = 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1/sites/' + blog_id
    payload = {}
    payload['http_envelope'] = 'true'
    url_values = urllib.urlencode(payload)
    full_url = base_url + '?' + url_values
    req = urllib2.Request(full_url)  
    req.add_header('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + access_token)
    rsp = urllib2.urlopen(full_url)
    the_info_page = rsp.read()
    m = ''   
    m += "the_info_page = %s||"%(the_info_page)
    content = BEAUTIFY(m.split('||'))  
    return dict(content=content)     

In views/default/connected.html put:

{{extend 'layout.html'}}
{{if 'message' in globals():}}
{{elif 'content' in globals():}}

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