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This doc explains how to keep information encrypted  into the database, even if  the email is the one you use for auth.

In your module folder you can create a python file: utils.py


from gluon.http import HTTP
import gluon.contrib.aes as AES
import base64
import os

def crypt(action, data, iv_random=True):
        # key, it has to be 128, 192, o 256 bits, check configuration
        key = 'This is a key256 XXXX XX X XXXXX'

        # Initialization vector. It has the first 16 bytes in the message.
        # it is used to have the same message encrypted but with different result
        # CBCMode de AES
        if iv_random:
            iv = os.urandom(16 * 1024)[0:16]
            # This case should be for the emails
            iv = ' ' * 16

        # The information of the message have to be multiple of 16 (AES block size), for this reason PADDING.
        # PADDING Guarantees that the message is multiple of the block
        padding = ' '
        pad = lambda s:  s + (16 - len(s) % 16) * padding

        if action == 'encrypt':
            return base64.b64encode(iv + AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv).encrypt(pad(data)))
        elif action == 'decrypt':
            return AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, data[:16]).decrypt(base64.b64decode(data).rstrip(padding))[16:]
    except Exception as e:


In your model db.py:

from utils import crypt as CRYPT
db.auth_user.email.filter_in = lambda data: CRYPT('encrypt', data, iv_random=False)
db.auth_user.email.filter_out = lambda data: CRYPT('decrypt', data, iv_random=False)


In web2py book, you can find more info about filter_in and filter_out.

With the code before if you need to encrypt the email, and this is the one you use for login, use:


In other cases use: iv_random=True

Here there is a good explanation about IV:




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