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  • 0
    ammz  14 years ago
    Ok Headers
    Ver	Nota	Pago	Saldo	Entregado	Vendedor	pagos.vendedor
    In the list
    ['update_record', 'vendedor', 'entregadoEl', 'saldo', 'nota', 'pago', 'id', 'delete_record']	3	12090	1375.0	0.0	2010-06-03 15:46:39	ARACELI
    ['update_record', 'vendedor', 'entregadoEl', 'saldo', 'nota', 'pago', 'id', 'delete_record']	361	12047	0.0	0.0	2010-06-06 00:06:52	ARACELI
    ['update_record', 'vendedor', 'entregadoEl', 'saldo', 'nota', 'pago', 'id', 'delete_record']	362	12003	550.0	0.0	2010-06-05 00:34:00	ARACELI
    ['update_record', 'vendedor', 'entregadoEl', 'saldo', 'nota', 'pago', 'id', 'delete_record']	363	12013	300.0	0.0	2010-06-05 00:34:00	ARACELI
    If you like, I can send you an image and/or html field

Commented on:

This is a module that lets you build a table on the server that supports paging, sorting, editing and totals easily. It requires no javascript or sessions to work.

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