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    ammz  14 years ago
    Sometimes we have armazon1 or lente1 or lc4 But with this code: db.notas.vendedor.represent = lambda vendedor: auth_user.first_name db.notas.optometrista.represent = lambda optometrista: auth_user.first_name db.notas.armazon1.represent = lambda eyewear: [eyewear.marca,' ',eyewear.modelo,' ',eyewear.caract1] db.notas.lente1.represent = lambda lentes: [lentes.material,' ',lentes.tipo,' ',lentes.tecnoVisual,' ',lentes.tratamiento] db.notas.lc4.represent = lambda lc: [lc.tecnoGradua,' ',lc.marca,' ',lc.duracion,' ',lc.oftalmico,' ',lc.cosmetico] grid = webgrid.WebGrid(crud) grid.datasource = db((db.notas.entregado==False)&(db.notas.vendedor==db.auth_user.id)) grid.pagesize = 20 grid.enabled_rows = ['header','filter','pager','footer'] grid.fields = ['notas.nota','notas.armazon1','notas.lente1','notas.lc4','notas.total','notas.anticipo','notas.pagos','notas.saldo','notas.vendedor','notas.optometrista','notas.created_on'] grid.field_headers = ['Nota','Armazon1','Lente1','L/C1','Total','Antic.','Pagos','Saldo','Vendedor','Optomet.','Del'] grid.totals = ['notas.total','notas.anticipo','notas.pagos','notas.saldo'] grid.crud_function = 'data' grid.action_links = ['view'] grid.action_headers = ['Ver'] grid.filters = ['notas.nota'] grid.filter_items_query = lambda field: (db.notas.entregado==False)&(db.notas.vendedor==db.auth_user.id) grid.view_link= lambda row: A('view', _href= crud.url(f='show_nota', args=[row['id']])) grid.messages.page_info = 'Pagina %(pagenum)s de %(pagecount)s, existen un total de %(total)s registros' grid.messages.view_link = 'Ver' grid.messages.delete_link = 'Eliminar' grid.messages.edit_link = 'Editar' grid.messages.file_link = 'Archivo' grid.messages.previous_page = 'Anterior ' grid.messages.next_page = ' Siguiente' grid.messages.pagesize = ' Num. registros x pagina ' grid.messages.clear_filter = 'Limpiar filtros' grid.sortby = 'notas.nota' crud.settings.controller = 'ventas' I have this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/drayco/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 188, in restricted exec ccode in environment File "/home/drayco/web2py/applications/opticaluz/controllers/ventas.py", line 489, in File "/home/drayco/web2py/gluon/globals.py", line 96, in self._caller = lambda f: f() File "/home/drayco/web2py/gluon/tools.py", line 2277, in f return action(*a, **b) File "/home/drayco/web2py/applications/opticaluz/controllers/ventas.py", line 40, in leer_ventas return dict(gridnot=grid()) File "/home/drayco/web2py/applications/opticaluz/modules/webgrid.py", line 480, in __call__ r = field.represent(r) File "/home/drayco/web2py/applications/opticaluz/controllers/ventas.py", line 10, in db.notas.lc4.represent = lambda lc: [lc.tecnoGradua,' ',lc.marca,' ',lc.duracion,' ',lc.oftalmico,' ',lc.cosmetico] AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'tecnoGradua' Any advice? Or how can I avoid this error?

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