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    toan75  14 years ago
    Thanks for this usefully module. In this code: grid.datasource = db(db.things.category==db.category.id) grid.fields = ['things.id','things.category','things.name', 'things.owner'] I can't change 'things.category' by 'category.name' ? (add other field of 'category' table) For many page, i had tiny changed: "for x in xrange(1, pagecount + 1)", instead: p1 = 1 if (self.pagenum<5) else self.pagenum-4 p2 = pagecount + 1 if (self.pagenum > pagecount -4) else self.pagenum + 6 if (p2<11) & (pagecount >10): p2 = 11 for x in xrange(p1, p2):

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This is a module that lets you build a table on the server that supports paging, sorting, editing and totals easily. It requires no javascript or sessions to work.

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