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    paulgerrard  14 years ago
    Hi again. Maybe being dim - but I'm not sure what your last comment means. Making filter_items_query the same as the datasource doesn't seem to have any effect on the values in the filter drop downs. Your comment "The filter_items_query isn't a subset of datasource." - that's what you are saying I guess. You've said the filter_query is for the results, not the values in the filter - so that's probably not a solution. So I'm thinking it is not possible to restrict the values in the filter drop downs to values that appear in the corresponding results column? Is that correct? The problem I have is one of my filters is names of people in the user's organisation, but this is a shared system with users from other organisations. The datasource only shows data from the current user's organisation so I need to limit the filter values to maintain confidentiality across organisations. If I can't limit the values, I can't use webgrid :O(

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