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    villas  13 years ago
    I have also tried this variation. I hope using cache.ram is a reasonable idea.
    ### captcha after failed login attempts
    ip = request.env.remote_addr
    num_login_attempts = cache.ram(ip, lambda: 0) or 0
    if num_login_attempts >= 3:
        #api key is for locahost - if not working, get your own
        auth.settings.login_captcha = Recaptcha(request,\
            '6LedxsASAAAAANjQXMAEinriIZCWuvJk-c3Rq-a2' )
    def login_attempt(form):
    def login_success(form):
    ### ends captcha
    Regards, David

Commented on:

To limit abuse this slice shows how to use CAPTCHA after a number of unsuccessful login attempts.

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