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    web2pyslices  13 years ago
    Thank you for the guide. I am running Ubuntu11.04.... I have installed Python2.5 and am getting the following error when trying to run the GAE server: #/webdev/google_appengine$ python2.5 dev_appserver.py web2py WARNING 2011-05-18 18:44:10,462 urlfetch_stub.py:108] No ssl package found. urlfetch will not be able to validate SSL certificates. ERROR 2011-05-18 18:44:11,321 dev_appserver_main.py:579] Fatal error when loading application configuration: Unable to assign value 'rtPlanB' to attribute 'application': Value 'rtPlanB' for application does not match expression '^(?:[a-z\d\-]{1,100}\~)?(?:(?!\-)[a-z\d\-\.]{1,100}:)?(?!-)[a-z\d\-]{1,100}$' in "web2py/app.yaml", line 6, column 14

Commented on:

I originally posted this tutorial here: http://opensourcebroadcasting.blogspot.com/2010/04/setting-up-web2py-for-use-with-google.html but perhaps it will be more useful and more easily discovered as part of web2py slices. Please feel free to let me know if anything has gone out of date.

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